Repairing pipework can mean hours spent draining down an entire plumbing system With the Arctic Hayes Pipe Freeze range, you can save up to 85% in time, with no need to locate a stopcock, service valves and then drain.
Exclusive research from Arctic Hayes indicates that only 30% of plumbers use or have tried a Pipe Freeze product, with some plumbing professionals saying they are hesitant to try or have a bad experience, usually down to the pipe not freezing correctly.
Arctic Hayes’ Pipe Freeze kits have been trusted by professionals for 57 years, since its original patent in 1966, seemingly a winning year for pipework as well as the England football team! Pipe Freeze kits can reduce job time by an average of 85 per cent, based on a two-hour drain down and refill while on a standard 15mm copper pipe, the Professional Pipe Freeze kit can also freeze pipes in just one minute.
The easy-to-apply Freeze Spray forms a temporary ice plug in the pipe so that work can be carried out with a minimum of disruption. There is no need to locate a stop-cock or service valve and it also reduces the potential for water spillage and property damage. There are three different types of kit in the range; ‘Aero’, ‘Professional’ and ‘Electric’, with each kit catering to a range of pipe sizes and a number of applications. The kits are simple to use and can freeze pipes in just a few simple steps.
Step 1
Set up involves switching off the pump to ensure the water is not flowing and closing any valves. The system temperature should be cool, ideally below 20 degrees Celsius.
Step 2
Attach the freezing jacket to the pipe, ensuring it's as secure as possible.
Step 3
Fit the cable ties provided to each end and tighten. Make a small incision in the top. Take the can of Pipe Freeze and add the nozzle to the can and you’re ready to go.
Step 4
Insert the pipe into the jacket and spray for around 10 seconds. Leave for a few seconds to avoid any flooding in the jacket (you’ll see refrigerant leaking out the jacket if you spray too much). Repeat until you have used the dose indicated on the side of the can or you hear the click sound, which indicates the ice plug has formed. Wait a further five minutes, or 10 minutes if the pipe is plastic. For those using the Arctic Hayes Pro Pipe Freeze Kit, once you’ve attached the blue nylon pipes to the can and slowly turn the release valve, if you see refrigerant leaking out the bottom of the jackets, you need to turn the valve back slightly so that the leaking/dripping stops and the jacket starts to frost up.

Step 5
Now you can safely carry out your job with no need to drain down. Pipe freezing reduces your total job time by up to 85% on average. When you're finished, it’s time to remove the pipe-freezing jacket. Cut the cable ties off and remove the jacket. Always allow the jacket to defrost and dry before packing away. This will help prolong the life of the jackets.
Pipe Freeze Range
There are three different types of kit in the range; ‘Aero’, ‘Professional’ and ‘Electric’. Each kit caters for a range of pipe sizes and a number of applications. Choosing the right one for the job at hand is easy – Arctic Hayes has a ‘Find Your Freeze’ selector tool on its website to make finding the right Pipe Freeze product even easier. - Freeze Selector - Arctic Hayes Ltd (
For more information on the Pipe Freeze range, check out this link. It covers the full range, product selector guide and how-to-use videos - Pipe Freezing for Professionals & DIY | Pipe Freezing Kits - Arctic Hayes Ltd (
Contact us for more information or any help, advice or to order:
Arctic Hayes Ltd, 9 Millshaw Park Ave, Leeds, LS11 0LR, United Kingdom
Tel +44 (0) 113 271 5245